UK Summers - Rain Hats!

Purple packable summer rain hat on woman



What an amazing summer we have had so far. In June we had so much rain and thought summer would never arrive. Without sounding smug, it was our best month of sales since we started in 2017! Obviously we were sad that the sun wasn't shining, but we were kept busy with work! And now since June we have had a lovely summer, warm sunny days interspersed with a few showers!


Top Selling Summer Rain Hats

Quite naturally our best selling rain hats moves away form the  fleece lined, dark coloured hats, to the more brightly coloured and packable hats. Our summer rain hats are ideal for taking away on holiday or having in your bag at home just in case of a sudden downpour. So let us highlight our

Top 5 best selling summer rain hats:


1. Charlotte

Pink packable summer rain hatPurple packable summer rain hatProppa Toppa Red Packable Summer Rain Hat



2. Felicity

Proppa Toppa Gold Spotty Packable Rain HatBlue And White Spotty Packable Rain HatLime Green And White Spotty Packable Rain Hat


3. Stella

Orange stripey packable rain hatPackable summer rain hatsGreen stripey packable rain hat


4. Wax Explorer

Wax explorer fedora style brown summer rain hat with feathersolney wax explorer brown summer rain hat on manolney wax explorer olive summer rain hat with feathers



5. Wax Sports Cap

olive green wax sports cap on manolive green wax sports cap with brown peakolive green wax sports cap with brown peak on woman


The Charlotte, Felicity and Stella hats have a velcro pocket on the inside which they fold neatly into, making them perfect for taking out and about. As one customer said "what a brilliant invention!"

The Wax Explorer hat and  Wax Sports caps have a wide brim and peak cap respectively, keeping the sun off your face with the added bonus of being waterproof should it rain.




"Rain Hats Not Just For The Rain"


The above is our new mantra in the office!


Green wax sports cap lying on surf board on a beach



All of our rain hats (except for the fleece lined ones!) are perfect for the summer, keeping the sun off your face and keeping you dry in the summer rain.

It also seems appropriate to highlight a common reaction that we are getting to our rain hats:

"they are stunning hats, I did not realise that they are waterproof and are rain hats"

Our rain hats are British made. They are stylish to wear even if it's not raining, but has the added bonus of being waterproof, should it rain.


A Hat For You Come Rain Or Shine

Please click here and take a look at our large selection of stylish British made summer rain hats. We are sure that you will love them come rain or shine.


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